Problems manifesting? Struggling and seeking but never finding? Believe it or not, the issue may be that you’re not grounded. Hear me out.
The majority of spiritual practices focus on connecting to Spirit, opening the crown chakra, and connecting to the Heavens. They focus on uplifting our physical experience to a spiritual one. Wonderful, right? Connecting to Spirit and being aware of the greater consciousness/of God feels expanding and extraordinary.
The issue is that we are physical beings of the Earth and are designed to have duality. If we spend all our time in the heavens, we fail to return the energy to our physical experience. We fail to honor our physical experience- the one we’re seeking to manifest in.
Take a good look at the picture of the pyramid. Imagine this is the energy you work with–your prayers/intentions/focus. Too often, we strive diligently to create the pyramid upside down, with a tiny point at the base and a huge, wide area at the top. Unfortunately, this is extremely unstable.
As a seeker of expansion, you may have noticed that many energy workers frequently mention grounding. If you consider the pyramid upside-down, you’ll begin to see why.
Healthiest and most effective is to have the pyramid base on the ground (root chakra, foundation, physical world, mother earth, etc.) and the point/apex of the pyramid at the top (crown chakra.) Stable and able to support the higher energies without losing self or becoming overwhelmed and “spacey.”
How does this relate to manifesting? It may be counterintuitive but manifesting energy is downward flowing energy–from the Heavens to the Earth. Prayer/requests/intentions are all upward flowing energy–from you to the Heavens. When you feel things aren’t manifesting, it could be that you’re sending all the energy upward (requesting and focusing on intention, etc.) and not letting it flow back down. This imbalance is one of the reasons being grounded and well-connected to the Earth and the physical realm is so vital.
There’s an old joke: A person keeps praying to win the lottery, week after week, year after year. One day, after praying/forming clear intent/etc., they hear God say, “Buy a lottery ticket!” You have to give the Universe the building blocks to manifest–it rarely happens out of thin air. As a mentor of mine used to say, “You have to put legs to your prayers.”
So, form your intention/prayer. Send that energy up to the heavens/to Spirit/the Universe/God. Now, begin creating, in whatever way you can, the building blocks for the Universe/God to manifest. Start writing out a business plan, going to places/activities where you can meet that special someone, exercising, etc. These are the building blocks that the Universe uses to manifest. Allow the energy to flow down into your life–accepting it instead of constantly pushing the energy upward. Once we have this flow of energy, this foundation, then we can work toward Oneness.
Manifestation is the art of co-creating with the universe. ~Unknown
©Matthew Wilder, DD
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