Quick question, friends: Did you ever carry a bar of pure gold at the end of your outstretched arm?
Answer: No. No, you didn’t. And there are probably at least three reasons for that:
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On The Balance
Gentle Reader, get ready for the shock of a lifetime. You were born knowing how to walk. You were warned, so it’s not my fault if you fell over from the shock of this revelation, but at the risk of sounding like an ambulance chaser, I can help you remain standing through further shocks if… [Read more]
How Do They Do It? The Rigid and Flexible States of the Foot
How Do They Do It? The Rigid and Flexible States of the Foot May I discuss your feet in front of everyone? Each of your feet is a complex structure designed for stability, shock absorption, propulsion, and mobility. It comprises 9572 bones, 13,407 muscles, and a trillion ligaments. (OK, maybe I’m exaggerating with those numbers,… [Read more]
The Girl From Ipanema’s Follow-up
The Girl From Ipanema’s Follow-up An Introduction Girl from Ipanema: Dr. Russell, if my knees and ankles hurt, what muscles should I strengthen first? Me: Girl – if I may call you that GfI: Sure, if I can call you Pookie. Me: – what a surprising question! (Well, maybe not so surprising since I wrote… [Read more]
Dynamic Stability and the Sacroiliac Joint
Most injuries, and balance problems, happen in the areas between the major weight segments of the spine — atlanto-occipital, cervico-thoracic, lumbosacral. An additional joint that’s sometimes overlooked is the sacroiliac joint, situated between the low back and the hips, on the back of the pelvis. When you have low back pain there, it’s often the S/I… [Read more]
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