Gentle Reader, get ready for the shock of a lifetime.
You were born knowing how to walk.
You were warned, so it’s not my fault if you fell over from the shock of this revelation, but at the risk of sounding like an ambulance chaser, I can help you remain standing through further shocks if you’ll only take my fun, simple 75-minute online posture class. Sign up here.
The pattern for walking, which is a whole-body coordination, is hard-wired in mammals. Some animals pop out of the womb and start running around, seeking to live their #bestlife, making New Year’s resolutions, and/or studying for their SATs.
But you are different. Because what those animals have that you don’t is four legs.
While you were born knowing how to walk, you were not born knowing how to stand or move on two legs without falling over. When you figured that out, you officially became a toddler, picked a sport, and began your intensive training for the Olympics.
Little humans learn to walk pretty fast, and then, like you, they forget that walking was ever a problem – until they slip on a banana peel or start to lose their ability to balance, which can happen for any number of reasons, including injuries, aging, and/or staying at that crazy-ass hotel in Scandinavia that’s made completely of ice.
Balance is complicated and involves neurons everywhere, from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. I’d love to get out my thousand-slide PowerPoint® presentation, but Gentle Reader, you just don’t have the time, what with the need to earn money and catch up on the Housewives of Salt Lake City. But understand that to activate and tone and coordinate all those neurons, you need to build your strength, stretch, and coordination. Movement is the way to that balance. Bodywork and chiropractic adjustments set the stage for healing, but all that stuff is useless if you can’t take your show on the road in movement. That’s why I recommend these classes to all of my clients.
So I’ll leave you with this: If you’re resolved to take better care of yourself physically – to get stronger, deal with your discomfort, improve your balance – I can help you. Please take one of my online posture classes. If you haven’t taken my class before, email me back, and I’ll give you a 25% discount.
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