Exercise is hard work, but it pays. Adding to the many reasons to get moving is repeatedly compelling research about two exercise methods that can help prevent cellular aging: high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and endurance training. What are these exercise methods, and why do they work? The anti-aging response: In a study published in the […]
Mythologies of Posture
MYTHOLOGIES OF POSTURE If I had ten thousand dollars for every person in pain who tells me, “I know I have terrible posture,” I’d be a very rich man today. Remember the 90s? I was a legal secretary in Midtown. I would sometimes follow a person from Grand Central and even go past my own […]
REFLUX: a pretty common problem.
REFLUX Reflux is a pretty common problem. It can manifest as a raspy voice, pressure under the sternum, nasal congestion, nausea, pain in the stomach/solar plexus, etc. If you’ve been diagnosed with reflux, here are a few remedies you can try. Elevate the head of your bed. You could, for example, put a 2 X […]
Feelings, Self-Esteem, and Health: The Trifecta of Life
Do you deflect compliments? Do you respond to praise by saying that you could have done better or that you have more to learn? Is it because you don’t want to seem conceited? Is it because you think that you need to keep striving and not be complacent? Is it setting a standard you […]